Guest post written by my buddy Royce Heath

It seems as though another football season has come along, and I still couldn’t care less. My new roommates assumed that I wanted to spend my Saturday night watching the UGA game on our DirecTV, but I didn’t. And that means I was left without my precious television along with access to my friends and our living room. I am old enough now that I feel no real need to pretend to be interested in things I am not. I know that my friends will like me whether or not I agree to participate in any activity with them, and that has made me even more confident in my decision to never watch football again. I spent last Saturday in my bedroom, listening to jazz music and making a wreath made from book pages. That’s pretty much the antithesis of football. After I tired of my wreath, I moved on to read Harry Potter, who never disappoints. Even now, I cannot tell you who won the Georgia game, nor who they were playing. I can tell you, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed a night on my own and I plan to follow the same routine for many Saturdays to come.

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Every day when we open the papers or turn on the television, we see news of car accidents, truck accidents, defective equipment which cause injuries to a person. Plane crash, or train collisions. It is a fact of life that accidents happen. If you are from Texas, and you have encountered an accident then you should hire an Austin personal injury attorney.

 I highly recommend O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949. They had me convinced because their first objective is to win your case. With that being said, you certainly cannot go wrong. These lawyers know that when you or your family member gets into an accident their ability to work to provide their family’s needs will get impaired as well. They are highly responsive to your needs, and are committed in handling your case. Their aim is to win and give you the best service they can provide.

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Thanks for the guest post by Jo Levy

Texas was never really on my mind, that is, until my husband accepted a job here in Houston a few years ago. He’s in the petrochemical industry and it’s highly competitive and since Houston’s the top city in the country for it I always knew there was a possibility we’d have to move. Sure enough, he got this great offer and here we are, trying to adjust as a family from upstate New York to Houston! When we got here I went to www.shopelectricityratestexas.com to look into our utilities and I spent the first few weeks getting the house done up right with things like curtains and bedspreads. After that I had to make sure my kids were enrolled in school by August and now they’re just enjoying the rest of their summer! I can’t believe I live here and the heat has just about killed me already but I know I’ll get used to it and be happy with the move once we all settle in even more. I’m pretty go with the flow!

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Posted by Dorian Compton

One of the best educational shows on TV these days is Planet Earth found on the Discovery Channel. Luckily, I never have a problem watching the show since I have Cable TV. Each episode I get to travel to a new, exotic location and discover what it is that makes the particular area unique. I get to see places on Planet Earth that I never even new existed. I get to travel to places almost impossible for the average person to visit in person, even if I had the money to try. My family not only gets to travel to remote locations, but also can witness unusual animal behavior in the wild.

My husband and kids love the show almost as much as I do. It is the one show on TV that the entire family agrees is worth watching, which is unusual. It is a top-notch show covering interesting destinations and the narrators are professional and good enough to hold every ones attention. The show has been the basis of more than one homework assignment that requires research about the world we live in. Planet Earth provides lots of information and details our family would have no knowledge of otherwise. The filming of the show is excellent quality, and totally captures my family's attention every time we watch it.

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The Regency Beauty Institute is one of the premier beauty schools in the country. They have a large network of partner salons that will guarantee their graduates a job placement once done with their cosmetology course.

Regency Beauty Institute will teach you the business of beauty, everything you need to know about haircutting, coloring, hairstyling, nail and skin care, make up, even to business and salon management. Their extensive curriculum will guide you all the way to your success and fulfilling your dreams of becoming an expert cosmetologist. Visit a Phoenix beauty school now, that is Regency Beauty Institute and request for additional information and in just a year, you are on your way to achieving your goals.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051

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Topamax is an anticonvulsant drug approve for the treatment of seizures or epilepsy in adults and children. It is also been studied and tried to treat bi-polar disorders.

Women who suffer from bi-polar disorder may have to think twice before deciding to get pregnant as it may have serious effects on the fetus. If in case your child has been injured by Topamax, there is help. You can contact O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath for free consultation and see if you qualify for a Topamax class action lawsuit. The attorneys at O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath understands that your child birth defects may not be your fault but by the side effects of Topamax. There is no time for dilly-dallying; your child can still be treated. Contact their team of seasoned professionals now.

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One of the advantages in working at a medical office is being familiar with terminologies and equipments. I’m not saying I’m an expert, far from it. I don’t have a degree in medicine or anything like that. I just see them or hear about them and naturally, I ask more about them from my colleagues.

A friend asked about having rehabilitation therapy on her knees. She’s had pain in her knees since she was in her teens and have gone through therapy once before. She started feeling the pain again a couple of months back so she’s looking into therapy again.

I just advised her to find a facility with the latest equipments. Some of those that may be able to help are TENS units and Muscle Stimulators.

Combining the use of LG-TEC Dual Combo TENS Unit and Muscle Stimulator it can increase one’s muscle tone and can also provide TENS Pain Relief. There other Pain Relief Products available depending on the area to treat but these equipments have sure helped a lot of patients nationwide.

I hope she can Visit LGMedSupply Online and their online customer blog to give her an idea how to manage the pain or at least answer some of her questions. It is so hard for her with the pain going on because she’s constantly looking after a toddler.

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Here is the last part to Get Juiced!

Citrus Stars: Orange and grapefruit juices have more than 100 percent of the daily value for vitamin C per cup. Oj had flavonoids, disease-fighting antioxidants and pink and red grapefruit juices offer lycopene.

The Winner!

A victory for veggies: They're gulp above other juices. Tomato juice has vitamins aplenty and lycopene, which may cut your cancer risk. Eight ounces of carrot juice serves up more than 20 times the vitamin A of most other drinks. 

They're you go, let's get healthy!

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Fiber Favorite: Dried-plum juice aka prune juice before marketers tried to spin it as more than just a laxative is no surprise, tops for fiber (10 percent of the daily value of the daily value per cup). It also provides 17 percent of your daily iron.

Heart Helpers: Drink Concord grape and pomegranate juices not for their vitamin content which is lower than other juices, but for their antioxidants. Both may have as many healthy polyphenols as what you find in red wine. Take that Merlot!

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Having migraines can really be a burden especially when you are working and in a hurry to finish some tasks. It really hampers you from doing what has to done. A migraine is a severe, painful, one-sided headache that is recurring and most common in women than in men. The pain may last for up to seventy-two hours. The symptoms of migraine may include nausea, vomiting, throbbing pain, and sometimes sensitivity to light, sound and smell. Potential migraines are triggered by physical or emotional stress, bright light, loud noises, or certain odors and perfumes, alcohol, skipping meals or fasting, and the list just goes on. But for those that suffer from migraine (like I am, sometimes), there is a medication that can be prescribed by a health care professional like Topamax Topamax. Although there are over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, mefenamic acid or paracetamols to lessen the pain, Topamax has been proven to be effective.

But precaution has to be done as overdose may cause adverse effects and if such occur, one can visit O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949 for more information about Topamax lawsuit.

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Learn here which drink should be your main squeeze.

Berry Good: Cranberry delivers 38 percent of the daily value for vitamins C per 8 ounces. It may help raise levels of good cholesterol and prevent urinary tract infections. Look for brands without high-fructose corn syrup.

Sometime Sip: Apple and pineapple are much lower in vitamins than most juices but hybrids such as cran-apple or pineapple-grapefruit offer extra vitamin C. You can also add some apple or pineapple juice to seltzer for a flavor kick. Choose 100 percent juice over blends, ades, punches or splashes.

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source: care2.com

I need to pay more attention on this 20 Inner Beauty Tips to make my life easier. LOL

1. Keep your heart open. See others with Magical Eyes and let love glow through you. Look beyond the masks people wear and see the beauty within them.

2. Begin each day with thoughts of gratitude. Appreciate every experience, even the challenges.

3. End each day by relaxing every muscle in your body. Start at your scalp and allow each hair follicle to breathe. Move to your forehead, your cheeks, your temples, your smile lines (call it natural Botox!). Relax your shoulders and watch then un-hunch. Relax your chest, your belly, your hands, your perineum, your hips, your knees, your ankles, your toes. Allow every part of your body to soften.

4. Eat a whole foods diet. For extra glow, include as many raw foods as possible.

5. Allow 10 minutes per day for stillness. Meditate, pray, breathe- just be quiet with yourself.

6. Affirm your inner beauty. Make positive statements of affirmation to yourself (i.e., “I approve of myself. I am valuable. I am loving and lovable. I am abundant.”) Say them. BELIEVE them.

7. Donate your time or money to helping the world. Being in service to those in need helps illuminate the bright shiny light within you.
8. Exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Even if it’s just a walk around the block, getting your juices pumping helps quiet the mind, tone the body, ground you, and nurture the spirit.

9. Release judgments and criticisms. Accept that all of us are doing the best we can, imperfect though our actions may be. Give us the benefit of the doubt as we strive to be the best we can.

10. Let your creativity flow. Find a way to express yourself and allow yourself time to tend the creative spark within you.

11. Smile often. Not only will it benefit your health, but it will touch others. Even better, laugh out loud. Try laughter yoga. One elderly lady wakes up each morning in her nursing home, laughs like mad, wiggles her arms and legs in bed, and screams, “I’m alive! I’m alive!” The nursing home attendants swear it’s her fountain of youth.

12. Have orgasms. Often. As regularly as possible. With or without a partner. Talk about inner beauty…
13. Be authentic. Tell the truth to yourself and others. Let your freak flag fly. Living outside of your own authenticity is never pretty.

14. Engage in work you love. Nothing like a job you despise to make you scowl.

15. Tend your spirit. Find spiritual community in a church, temple, mosque, or yoga class. Commune with the Divine. Let your aura sparkle.

16. Be free. Dance. Sing at the top of your lungs. Run. Scream. Paint outside the lines. Yodel during sex. Scatter daisies around the boardroom. Pass out balloons. Give free hugs. Get unstuck and set your inner freak free.

17. Pamper your body. If it makes you feel beautiful to wear lip gloss, give yourself a facial, take a long hot bath with lavender bath salts, get a massage, or deep condition your hair, go for it! But do it for you- not for anyone else.
18. Avoid being mean. It’s a sure way to negate beauty.

19. Practice preventative health. Why wait until something goes wrong?
20. Look in the mirror every day and say, “I am beautiful, just the way I am.”

Read more: care2.com

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