I am definitely out of words here. I couldn't pick a sense of ideas even just a simple relevant events. There is something i couldn't figure out, what is it? that simply i didn't know. Oh gosh has anyone can share something here? MY life is kind of a bore sometimes house-work-house-blog-work-house-blog-work simply boring! Could you imagine that? however i am delighted and very enthusiast of my blog because it expand my knowledge of creativity. hehehe


Unknown said... @ March 13, 2008 at 7:05 PM


Unknown said... @ March 13, 2008 at 7:10 PM

I am here again!
I checked some of your pages for metatags, that may explain, perhaps why you lost PR4 to PR0.
See this.

Meta tags report for: http://kharlota.com/?page_id=18
meta tag length value
Title: 35 kharlota.com » Kharlota.com Linkies

Meta tags analysis.
Title: Title meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 35 characters.

Title relevancy to page content is good.
The Title relevancy to page content is 83%.


Description: Found no description meta tag.
The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider to add a description meta tag.

Keywords: Found no keywords meta tag.
The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines. Consider to add a keyword meta tag.

Robots: Found no robots meta tag.
This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page.

Author: Found no author meta tag.
This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognizing.

Web page analysis.
This page contains too many URLs.
This tag contains 243 urls. Some Search Engines have problems with more than 100 urls on a page.
The size of the web page.
The size of the web page is 22331 bytes.

The web page load time.
The web page load time is 2 seconds.


Your site displayed on a search engine page.
kharlota.com » Kharlota.com Linkies


Meta tags report for: http://www.sweet-carlota.blogspot.com
meta tag length value
Title: 13 Sweet-Carlota

Meta tags analysis.
Title: Title meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 13 characters.

Title relevancy to page content is excellent.
The Title relevancy to page content is 100%.


Description: Found no description meta tag.
The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider to add a description meta tag.

Keywords: Found no keywords meta tag.
The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines. Consider to add a keyword meta tag.

Robots: Found no robots meta tag.
This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page.

Author: Found no author meta tag.
This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognizing.

Web page analysis.
This page contains too many URLs.
This tag contains 333 urls. Some Search Engines have problems with more than 100 urls on a page.
The size of the web page is to big.
The size of the web page is 85718 bytes.

The web page load time.
The web page load time is 4 seconds.


Your site displayed on a search engine page.

If interested to correct the problems and improve the PR, contact me. I am not a professional, but help fiends with whatever I know.

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